Agave Pediatrics Vaccine Policy
At Agave Pediatrics, we believe that a provider-family relationship with mutual trust and a shared responsibility is crucial to meet our common goal of raising healthy children.
As medical professionals, we strongly advocate for the vaccination of children in accordance with the guidelines set by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Vaccinations have proven to be safe and effective in preventing and protecting individuals, especially children, from potentially serious health conditions.
While we believe in the benefits, safety, and efficacy of immunizations, we also respect the autonomy and beliefs of each family. We understand that decision-making for their child’s health is the prerogative of the parents.
Hence, our policy reflects our commitment to providing a safe and supportive environment to families so that they can make informed decisions about their child's continuing healthcare and immunizations.
Families who have established care with us:
New sibling(s) of an established Agave family will be grandfathered into a vaccine schedule of parents’choice.
New Families who wish to establish care with Agave Pediatrics:
Families can follow alternative or catch-up schedules for immunizations.
At least one vaccination is recommended to be given at each well check.
We will review your child’s vaccination status at well-check appointments, and offer catch-up targets by 5, 12, and 17 years of age for the school required vaccines.
“Vaccine only” visits are available at different days for each location to allow families to catch up in between standard well checks.
Families who do not wish to vaccinate at all, may not be the best fit for our practice.
Open, Respectful Dialogue: We encourage open and respectful communication between our medical team and families. Our goal is to foster a collaborative relationship that promotes the best possible care of your child.
Public Health Responsibility: As healthcare providers, we have a responsibility to protect the health of your child and our community, against vaccine-preventable diseases.
Immunizations and Well Child Checks: Well Child Checks are an important part of our care for your children. We recommend you catch up on the vaccinations during that time to reduce the number of visits.
Additional Resources: American Academy of Pediatrics, Immunize.org, and Children's Hospital of Philiadelphia